Hello, I'm John Stretch . Thank you for visiting my website.
I invite you to browse my site and check out my magazines and podcasts, online courses, YouTube travel videos, and my books available on my Amazon page.
My writing has been published in magazines, company newsletters, websites, newspapers and business school journals.
The Circle is a private, limited edition magazine produced for family, friends, past clients and colleagues all over the world.
Browse past copies at http://www.issuu.com/johnstretch
My Midstream Circle is a podcast series for people who are retired.
Find it at: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2071601/share and on Spotify
ABOUT MY BOOKS: Visit the "Books and publications" page on this website and at https://www.amazon.com/author/johnstretch
ABOUT MY BLOGS: For a collection of original and interesting articles on diverse topics, visit the BLOG page on this website
ABOUT MY RADIO INTERVIEWS: Visit the PODCAST page on this website
ABOUT MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Find a series of videos on local and foreign travel destinations on my channel
ABOUT MY ONLINE SHORT COURSES: Visit the COURSES page on this website
These online video libraries and case studies are available for uploading to your in-house Learning Management System. Contact me by e-mail at stretch@global.co.za
FEATURED THIS MONTH: The Circle volume 12 - The Shackleton story
Find this e-book on Sir Ernest Shackleton and his ship at http://www.issuu.com/johnstretch
My important links:
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086D93NPW
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/john-stretch-272a475
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4MvDaja0Ua50Quvk-3NY4A
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/stretch_global
Facebook https://web.facebook.com/StretchGlobal/
FPA-trends https://fpa-trends.com/
CFO Magazine https://cfo.co.za/contributor/john-stretch
Issuu Magazine https://issuu.com/johnstretch